“With all due respect…” really means I think you and/or your idea  are lame and not really worthy of respect.

“You’re not being a team player” – More often than not means that you are not doing/saying what the person who refers to you in that way wants you to do or say.

“People are our most important asset”  You don’t have to say it if your actions show it.

So, at the end of the day I think we must create a synergistic paradigm shift so that going forward the low-hanging fruit can be addressed in a way that allows us to push the envelope thereby maximizing customer satisfaction and creating a best of breed core competency in a scalable way that ensures everyone drinks the kool-aid.

It is important for the person in charge to create understanding and clarity. Cliches get used a lot to obscure the truth, intentionally.

This week is going to be cliche and business buzzword free on my end and by-the-way, the person who gives 110% doesn’t exist. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.


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