Leaders do what is right. Sometimes there are consequences that aren’t right. Courage to see what needs to be done, take action and be accountable for that action regardless of the stupidity that may attack that action or outcome is character. It is not a characteristic that exists based on title or position.

Pal David was an elementary school principal in a rural community many years back. One of his school buses broke down, in the road, on a dangerous curve, near the school. The driver’s capability was limited. The principal was called. While not licensed to drive a school bus, he knew how based upon truck driving experience from back in his college days. He went to the bus, hopped in the drivers seat and was able to drive it to a safe place.

The union contract said that management could not do bargaining unit work. A grievance was filed. Time and resources that should have gone to educating children were wasted. The principal got a slap on the wrist, and smiled.

I am not anti-union. I understand precedent. I am anti-stupidity. When rules and policies need to be broken, character demands they be broken.

When common sense is at the crossroads character demands that we do what is right. Sometimes the only reward is our own sense of self-worth and legacy of character. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.


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