When people behave in a certain way over a period of time reputation is created. That reputation or pattern of behavior, particularly if it’s not so good becomes a big component of how a person is known.

Then the job of being perceived to have grown, improved or changed is possibly bigger than the challenge of actually growing, improving, changing.

“That’s just how Mary is.”  “Mike is a micro-manager and that’s just Mike.”  “Kim is disrespectful to employees.”  “Lou’s disorganization keeps his team in constant chaos.” You’ve heard all the comments and we all have probably said a few.

The truth is that people do learn, grow, improve and change unproductive behaviors. Bosses, colleagues and others can help or hinder the process. Changing others perceptions from negative to positive can be a bigger and additional task beyond changing behavior. It is tough for us to change strongly held perceptions about people.

“The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them.”  George Bernard Shaw

People are doing the best they can. They will do better when they know how. It is our jobs as leaders to help people know how.  I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.



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