If you can see it you can do it.

Vision is powerful. It inspires, motivates and engages people.

On a personal level the ability to clearly see the future we want to create is essential to making it happen.

Effective leaders have a clear vision and, equally important, the ability to engage others in making the vision a reality.

Clear and inspiring vision guides action. My favorites include Abe Lincoln, Henry Ford,  Mary Kay, Dwight Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, JFK and Steve Jobs. These people could see it and they did it by helping others see it.  Big scale accomplishments.

Most of us play a role in helping others achieve their vision. That’s important and probably plays both a practical and cosmic role in earning the right to have others help us achieve our vision.

What is your vision? What clear inspiring picture do you paint of your future? How excited are you to make it reality? In what ways is your current leadership role in your current organization helping you achieve your vision?

If you can see it, you can do it – maybe. If you can’t see it, you can’t do it – for sure.  I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.

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