It is ironic how bad behavior transcends generations in families.

It also does so in management.

Absent any formal training and development people learn to be managers and leaders based on experiences being managed & led. Some of it is good, valuable, and makes our lives as leaders easier and more satisfying. Other habits, styles and behaviors are counter productive and some down right wrong.

Strong self awareness is a characteristic of the the most effective leaders, top floor to shop floor. Take fifteen minutes for a deliberate “look in the mirror.”

While this two-step may seem trite for a serious leader with a business to run, you may well be surprised at the result from taking it seriously.

  1. Write down every management/leadership behavior that you have been on the receiving end of that was demotivating, disrespectful, abusive or just wrong.
  2. Make a commitment to never do any of the things on your list to anyone else.

We all have justifications and rationalizations for our bad behaviors. They do not hold water. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.


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