I once worked with a CEO who had an Ivy League MBA. He was very frustrated at his inability to connect/communicate effectively with employees. Smart guy but…

I had a good discussion once with a bank CEO about a strategic planning project.  The CEO while polite in saying so, was concerned that we would not be deemed worthy by the Harvard MBA CFO, yet the project would not have interested the BCG (Boston Consulting Group). I wondered in what ways the CFO’s arrogance negatively impacted the business. Guess I should have wondered more subtly.

This excellent article in The American Scholar states, “Our best universities have forgotten that the reason they exist is to make minds, not careers.”  Author, William Deresiewicz has an Ivy League education. He tells of his wake-up call that came when he realized he could not converse with his plumber.

We don’t need more MBA’s. We need more leaders who are competent, ethical and and lead with integrity and humility. If that comes with an MBA, great. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.


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