Some people shoplift. As a result the rest of us waste time trying to get pricing tags and glue off of products once we get them home.

Some employees are dishonest slackers. As a result we have rules and policies that disrespect the overwhelming majority of employees who are honest and conscientious.

Some people don’t pay their bills. As a result misnamed “customer service” reps treat everyone calling regarding a billing problem like a slacker.

Some bosses are dishonest and untrustworthy. As a result employees are presumed to be so and treated as if they are and it becomes ok to lie to and cheat customers.

Is your business treating good people like bad people. Stop it. Stop making rules and policies that carry a not-so subtle message that everyone is a thief, slacker or ne’er-do-well. Listen to what people say. Watch what they do. Quickly whack those who do not measure up to the basics of character. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.


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