There are a few simple rules of time management, and one of the most important ones is multitasking.  If you have to tell three different people the same thing – get them together and say it once.  If you have to visit one floor of your building to check in on reports, check all the reports that need to be checked on that floor.  Another important rule of time management is outsourcing.  If someone else can do it, let them.  This will free you up to focus on more important things.  Outsourcing is one definite way to effectively manage your time.  There are many more ways to manage your time, but these are some of the most important.  Effective time management is like putting your schedule through the trash compactor.  Eliminate the garbage, and condense all the other important things into a shorter amount of time.  Not only does this make you more efficient, but it creates time for the more enjoyable things – your family, your hobbies and interests.  That sounds pretty good, right?

Effective time management is important for employees and team members to learn as well, because simply put, effective management means more production and more profit.  When team members are better skilled at being efficient with their work, working smarter and condensing their projects, they will also be happier and will work better.  Within a company, this kind of management is imperative.  It is a sure route to success when project times are shortened, more money is made and clients are happier.  For the company to be more productive, efficient and successful, time management is the best friend of owners, senior managers and other people who are in charge of running the company.

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