Just read a National Geographic article about rock climbing in Yosemite. The free climber on the sheer face of  Half Dome said he was giving 199% and he was afraid it wasn’t going to be enough.  That could have been the last straw for him. It was for me.

I remember what my stat professor said about liars and numbers. I also remember learning somewhere along the way that 100% is all there is. Beyond that, I believe that most smart people who have been around awhile are pretty immune to insincere manipulative attempts that leaders make to motivate people.

There’s an irony here in the fact that those who are the most prone to hyperbole as a motivational tools are those who have not done such a good job using vision, inspiration, and connection, to create the extra effort that accompanies strong commitment.

Telling someone you expect 110% from them fits the category.  Also, when someone says they are going to give more than 100% I wonder if they slept through 4th, 5th, & 6th grade math. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.


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