The dog knows when we are supposed to be home from work and waits with positive anticipation. Partially for a walk or for dinner, but mostly to get and give some love. There should be an eleventh commandment: “Don’t kick the dog.”

There is an appropriate amendment to that 11th Commandment that makes violation a cardinal sin: “Thou shalt not be a leader whose behavior causes others to kick the dog.”

Dog is man’s best friend and in many cases a better friend than man. Yet, this loyal pal is sometimes the recipient of the accumulated frustrations of a day or an incident at work. There is no preordained number of kicks that a dog will take before anxiously awaiting your arrival disappears along with the loyalty.

Consistent positive attention, kindness and camaraderie builds loyalty and commitment.

Persistent authoritarian mandates enforced with fear leads some dogs to fight back when least expected. Other dogs hide with their tails between their legs or disappear in search of a better quality relationship.

You get back what you give out. I’m the Outsider and that’s what I think.

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