There are a few simple rules of time management, and one of the most important ones is multitasking. If...
Tag Archive for: Leadership
Ivy League MBA – What’s missing?
Blog, Execution, Leadership, Leadership Development, Strategic Planning, Team EffectivenessI once worked with a CEO who had an Ivy League MBA. He was very frustrated at his inability...
Edward’s eloquent golden rule of motivation
Blog, All, Business, Leadership, Life, Management, People at Work, Strategic PlanningWant motivated employees? Hire motivated people and don’t do stupid stuff that demotivates them. Every senior executive and every...
A black cat crossing your path, signifies that the animal is going somewhere.” Groucho Marx To some people a...
See the Gaps and Act
Blog, All, Business, Leadership, Life, Management, People at Work, Strategic Planning“You’re not here to do just what you’re told,” she says. “You’re here to see gaps and act upon...
There are times when a controlling style of leadership is appropriate. An emergency when the person with the knowledge...
The fashionable nature of the term team has outlived its usefulness in business. Your executive team is not Seal...